The easiest way to note any behavioural curiosities or to request any new features is by opening a github issue.
If you’d like to contribute changes to octolog
, we use the GitHub flow for proposing, submitting, reviewing, and accepting changes. If you haven’t done this before, there’s a nice overview of git, as well as best practices for submitting pull requests in the R packages book by Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan.
uses the the commonly used tidyverse style guide. Tools like styler
and lintr
can make it easier to adhere to this style.
All(75%+) new code should be covered by unit test using testthat
3rd edition.
We want to encourage a warm, welcoming, and safe environment for contributing to this project. See the code of conduct for more information.
This guide is too a large extent copied from the contribution guide of pkgcheck